Taking control of your mobile switchgear
Posted on: 26 July 2018
If you work in construction, mining or any other form of heavy industry, you probably know that not all your electrical equipment runs off the standard mains voltage. If you are based in a factory or other static location, this doesn't pose much of a problem since you can have any voltage you need installed in as many locations in the building as you like. Once the correct voltage is available, you can use it whenever you require it in the future.
High voltage on the move?
If your work is not based in a fixed location but on a site where your voltage requirements can change quickly, you could find yourself unexpectedly requiring a higher voltage or an electricity supply in a new location as the site develops. In that situation, getting the right voltage to the right right location can prove challenging, and setting up the appropriate configurations will require the hiring of the right transformers and switchgear.
Why hiring makes sense
If your power needs remain constant, then buying transformers, substations and related equipment makes sense, but for most people involved in building, mining and even farming, supply needs can change depending on the time of year, the type of project and the development of the site.
If you choose to purchase your transformers, you could be making an expensive investment into equipment that could soon be surplus. Hiring the equipment instead allows businesses the flexibility to bring in the perfect equipment to provide proper control of their electricity supply and to modify and update the supply with new transformers whenever they need to do so.
In addition to the flexibility it brings, hiring will also allow you to access the most suitable equipment. If you purchase your supply equipment, then the temptation is always to get the maximum value out of your purchase by using it at every opportunity, even when it is not really ideal. Not all environments are suitable for all cables and housings, and if you find yourself trying to manage in a rough, rugged environment with cabling that was really meant for inside use, then you are probably going to experience interruptions to your supply and other difficulties.
By hiring mobile switchrooms, transformers and related switchgear as you need them, you can have confidence that the equipment you are using is specifically chosen for the environment and will meet your needs perfectly.